Pet probdijenih noći tijekom #croatiafullofstars projekta i vrijeme je da i ovdje nešto napišem, ne samo na Instagramu i Facebooku 🙂 Uglavnom, putovanje je vrlo naporno, svake noći biti budan, samo par sati spavanja tko zna gdje usput, povremene obrade fotografija…no jako je lijepo vidjeti rezultate, makar oni bili tek brzinski, budući da prava obrada tek slijedi. Obišli smo Cres, Lošinj, Krk, a sada pišem sa plaže u gradu Pagu.
Ukratko, radi se o “projektu” kojem je cilj pokazati da se na našoj obali, osim sunca i mora, može uživati u prekrasnom zvjezdanom nebu. O tome turisti često pričaju, ali je teško bez kvalitetne foto opreme, taj doživljaj prenijeti drugima. Sudeći po “razvoju”, u zvjezdanom nebu nećemo ni u Hrvatskoj moći još dugo uživati.
Fotografije koje ovdje vidite tek su prvi pregled onih “pravih” uz više pažnje na detalje prilikom obrade. Ako se jednom pošteno naspavam, biti će i detaljniji izvještaji sa (još) boljim fotkama 😉 Do tada se nadam da će vam se ove fotke svidjeti – uživajte u zvjezdanom noćnom nebu!
[…] A long time ago, it was said that stars couldn’t shine without darkness. Boris Stromar, a 39 years old designer and photographer, knows that as well. This interesting Zagreb citizen is fighting for the right of stars and the Croatian sky! Yes, yes, you have read it correctly. Boris Stromar is the initiator of a very, very interesting project named Croatia Full Of Stars. With this project, he is trying to raise awareness, of the government and fellow citizens, and point out that the city lights are ruining the clear Croatian sky. Also, they are destroying some plant and animal species. His project, in which he cooperates with his younger colleague Lovro Dujnic, consists of a series of photographs taken in coastal areas – from Istria to the Dalmatia. […]
[…] A long time ago, it was said that stars couldn’t shine without darkness. Boris Stromar, a 39 years old designer and photographer, knows that as well. This interesting Zagreb citizen is fighting for the right of stars and the Croatian sky! Yes, yes, you have read it correctly. Boris Stromar is the initiator of a very, very interesting project named Croatia Full Of Stars. With this project, he is trying to raise awareness, of the government and fellow citizens, and point out that the city lights are ruining the clear Croatian sky. Also, they are destroying some plant and animal species. His project, in which he cooperates with his younger colleague Lovro Dujnic, consists of a series of photographs taken in coastal areas – from Istria to the Dalmatia. […]